Don’t panic

My brother Gurval and his girlfriend, 1985.

My brother Gurval and his girlfriend, 1985.


Don’t panic


Do not panic. This is war, nothing else. It has often happened and it will happen again. The only way to live without fear is to stop hoping that there will be no more wars. We are emerging from a long cozy dream; it’s time to wake up. Change our mindset. Think back to Churchill and the British facing barbarism. Being quick to help each other. Being more attentive to others. Become better. Less selfishness, more civility. Lead by example. Help all our fellow men but now refuse incivility and hate. Do not let those who hate our values impose their own. Deny that one dictates how women should dress, how school children must eat, who we should love, what we can say, sing, draw, publish. Stop being wet noodles. There are ways to be kind and respect others without being cowards. It is only by resisting that we’ll survive.

Hannah Dusar