Back to the future

Guillaume at the bakery, Les Fosses noires, Notre-Dame des Landes, France, June 2015.

Guillaume at the bakery, Les Fosses noires, Notre-Dame des Landes, France, June 2015.


Back to the future


So, what does all this remind me of ? It’s been an odd week of déjà-vu… This crazy race that just stops, our lives changed, a return to the basics… Time for thinking, asking ourselves how we got here ; rediscovering human ties, caring for others, the simple things in life, helping each other out, cooking, not wasting anymore… Instead of sirens and horn blasts, birdsong, the stirrings of life, the purity of air…Good grief! –  Where was it ? And when? Oh hang on, I’ve got it! Everyday life on the ZAD (Zone to Defend) in Notre-Dame des Landes. Those “handymen of the future” as Telerama had described them, had they understood certain things before us, and without the necessity of an epidemic?

Hannah Dusar