A father’s look

Dad at 97. Brussels, 2020.

Dad at 97. Brussels, 2020.


A father’s look


Incredible how smart-eyed my father still is, just after his 97th birthday. Nothing escapes that gaze, a Breton’s gaze that has weathered winds, tides and the storms of life; a father’s gaze too, confident and good-hearted. These eyes have seen it all : the premature death of a mother, war, cargo holds of ships, grease, the bombing of Nantes, exile, trains, blank pages, races, cinema, women, beloved restaurant tables, cars, heroes of motorsports, the loss of a son, friends – whom he misses so, and drawings coming to life at the stroke of his pencil, illustrating thousands of pages that nurtured thousands of readers’ dreams. Hold the wheel steady, Dad, the “100” panel is in sight !

Hannah Dusar