The silence of the labs
London, 2020.
The silence of the labs
I have been gathering increasingly worrying witness statements from doctors and close friends on the secondary effects of the Covid vaccines. Effects both more serious and frequent than announced. Pericarditis, myocarditis, thrombosis, strokes, including among young people. It would seem that these complications and their sometimes fatal consequences are not openly recorded. Doctors only reveal their worries privately, and journalists aren’t carrying out any investigations worthy of mention. The former look to be afraid of the College of Physicians, the latter don’t dare contradict the official line. If it were discovered, in the near future, that these vaccines are actually toxic but it was forbidden to speak out, if it were true that these health professionals knew it but kept silent, or that journalists self-censored to protect their jobs, then all of them would bear responsibility towards the population at large, a responsibility as grave as the pharmaceutical companies and all whom they would have corrupted.