Romeo & Juliette in garbage garden

TALP, Liège, Belgium, June 2nd 2014.

TALP, Liège, Belgium, June 2nd 2014.


Romeo & Juliette in garbage garden


In Liège, the Théâtre de la Place was closed down several months ago. Some artists have seized the venue and covertly brought it back to life, without permission or help. They’re not asking for anything, don’t need anything, they just want to play theatre. Independent, free, open to all, they’ve re-baptised it the Théâtre à la Place (Theatre Instead). Monday night, an old grouch from across the street called the Fire Brigade, which promptly arrived, all sirens wailing, just in time for the final scene. Juliette killed herself over Romeo’s body amid the fire-eaters and the brigade’s flashing lights, and to thunderous applause. The success was such that they’ll be giving two more shows of Romeo and Juliette in Garbage Garden, tonight and tomorrow night. Don’t miss it. Theatre has never been closer to its true essence.

Hannah Dusar