Growing another future

ZAD, Notre-Dame des Landes, France, 2014.

ZAD, Notre-Dame des Landes, France, 2014.


Growing another future


While you’re reading these lines, the French State is pursuing the methodical destruction of the ZAD of Notre-Dame-des-Landes. Backed up by copious grenades and armoured vehicles, the State continues to crush the tiniest embryo of organization vying for life outside its institutional framework and all attempts of experimentation ex-system. However, the ZAD does no one any harm. The ZAD is a lightweight collective response to our energy and environmental challenges, a demonstration that one can live well, and very happily, with little impact on nature. The ZAD is a Noah’s ark built by a youth that intends to survive the general bollixing up of this world. A youth resisting and showing us a way out, and up. But this kind of alternative could be a threat to the system in place. So, they’re gassed and their voices are quelled. In Notre-Dame-des-Landes, it’s the future that is murdered.

Hannah Dusar