Blindingly fast

Roger Schroer and blind girl, Wendover Air Field, September 2013.

Roger Schroer and blind girl, Wendover Air Field, September 2013.


Blindingly fast


This is Roger Schroer, world record speed holder on an electric vehicle. And this is Caroline, a young blind student who came last Sunday to visit the Venturi and Ohio State University team’s base camp near the famous Bonneville Salt Flats (Utah). Through the sense of touch, Roger is showing her every detail of the streamliner with which he’ll be attempting to set a new record: steering wheel, roll cage, parachute controls. He describes what it feels like at 200, 300 and perhaps 400 Mph, the speed at which, on this blinding desert salt flats, you can no longer see anything anymore and are forced to rely on your other senses. And in this photograph, during this fleeting instant, Roger and Caroline are together in their world, far, far away from ours.

Hannah Dusar